eKasal is an online wedding directory that provides all lists of all existing wedding suppliers and organizers all over the country. We aim to provide convenience to both clients and suppliers through our platform.  eKasal showcases the products and services that a supplier can offer in a single click.

With eKasal, newly-wed couples or engaged couples can now subscribe to us through our Couple Directory listing and our newest feature with our QR Code Invitation Technology system, creating good value, as being easy and hassle free to your upcoming life events, making your dreams into reality.

Vision Statement

We strive to give you the ultimate wedding listing experience where you come as guests but are treated as royalty with affordable prices from our vendors and suppliers.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to become recognized as the trusted destination for reliable wedding listing services. We are dedicated to going the extra mile in ensuring our clients get the best deals from vendors without compromising on quality.

Value Statement

We provide excellent and reliable listing services that will surely give your wedding and related events that unique touch. We always put our clients first and prioritize customer satisfaction.

Our Advantage

We will ensure that our listing includes the very best wedding vendors and suppliers, while striving to surpass our competitors in quality


Download our App and create your dream wedding or get information about your friend getting married.